Mc Carren Skatepark - NYC, NY - USA

61 Bayard St, Brooklyn, NY 11222, USA

Funded by Nike SB, the old but loved Mc Carren Skatepark is being refursbished! The NYC Parks & Recreations and Nike SB have partnered to give this skatepark a new life. It will be the final stop of Go Skateboarding Day NY 2016!

  • Customer - NYC Parks & Recreations
  • General contractor - California Skateparks
  • Scope - Design and Build
  • Budget - Approx. $350,000
  • Size - Approx. 600 sqm
  • Duration - 5 weeks / May to June 2016

JWC's mission

NYC is by far the most difficult city to work at. Crazy traffic, crazy regulations, crazy life! On this one, JWC had to stay on top of every aspects to get the park done on time. As part of California Skatepark team, JWC kept the schedule without exploding the budget due to the short deadline.

  • Project management
  • Cost, budget and schedule follow up
  • Communication with customer / designers / suppliers
  • GSD NY 2016 June 21st, no delay possible!