Yavne Skatepark - Yavne - ISRAEL

Yavne Project

Yavne as in all Israel is facing an exponential growth of its inhabitants. To fulfill the needs of the growing community, Yavne started a big project including recreation parks, a skatepark and residential buildings. 

  • Customer - Mordechai Israel
  • General contractor - Hardcore Skateparks
  • Scope - Build metals, formwork and shotcrete only
  • Budget - Approx. $100,000
  • Duration - 7 weeks / Dec. 2015 to Jan. 2016

JWC's mission

Missioned by Hardcore Skateparks, JWC managed the preparation and construction of the skatepark. Because the skatepark represented a phase in the main project, JWC had to ensure the good progress and respect deadlines to avoid any delays that could have affected the next phases. 

  • Project management
  • Cost and budget follow up
  • Communication
  • Respect of the deadlines